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Faker: FUGA


Hello, if possible, please remove this profile, a faker: ac-fraglog.tk/index.php?player=105040
I dare say it`s FUGA (ac-fraglog.tk/index.php?player=3281) because I banned him three times yesterday and the faker is from Italy like him. As you might be aware of he is a well-known team-killer who is able to come back after each ban. He spents most of the time on ac discussing and annoying other players, mainly Italians.
He used U| clan`s tag for a time: ac-fraglog.tk/index.php?player=104945
FUGA once came from a ban with the nickname Tommy[ITA]: ac-fraglog.tk/index.php?player=90748

So, I recommend you, SiL3nT to remove all those profiles.
You can ask other admins, players etc. to confirm everything. I bet they`ll say the same.

Thanks in advance :)

19/10/2015, #275, cannonfodder

Serious? this is a lot of work and that just because of some fakers...i think nobody care about this faker scum.

19/10/2015, #276, .vM|~Glock

Sorry i am not speak english.Do you speak french ?

19/10/2015, #277, .vM|~Glock


23/10/2015, #278, .vM|Riko

Désolé, Glock vous n'êtes pas sur le clan. S'il vous plaît supprimer votre tag. (Google Translator)

23/10/2015, #279, .vM|Riko

cannonfodder, at least .vM|Riko from Italy (ac-fraglog.tk/index.php?player=105040) has to be removed because it`s a clear case of faking. It`s not blacklisting as I don`t have his IP. I think it`s not very difficult only to remove the profile, but SiL3nT can explain you better.

25/10/2015, #280, .vM|Glock

ba j'ai passer le test avec un certain W@leed et je suis incris sur le ssite il ma ddit que c'etait bon :(

01/11/2015, #286, .vM|Riko

SiL3nT, could you please remove this profile: http://ac-fraglog.tk/index.php?player=105040

01/11/2015, #287, |3i|SiL3nT

Done! :)

02/11/2015, #289, .vM|Riko


10/11/2015, #301, |MW|Glock

Bonjour a tous ccomment on crée un sujet merci a ttous

10/11/2015, #302, SiL3nT

Ici à gauche: http://ac-fraglog.tk/board/

11/11/2015, #303, |MW|Glock

Merci :D

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