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Consider PER HOUR leader board
While per hour stats are shown for players it seems sorta unfair to rank players by total points or total anything as some players play way more than other players.
For example I have a pretty high flag per hour score and just looking at the leader board , Id be way up in the top if you took the time played and evened it up.
Flags per hour puts me in the top few players (though I didnt check any of them) and points per hour would as well. I am at 35 right now (#4 in US)
Maybe a link to see such a board and leave the current one as default?
17/04/2015, #121, LESSTHANZERO
For example the #4 player has played 4x the amount of hours I have. IF I multipled my points by 4 Id be at 68,000 vs the 61 they have
17/04/2015, #122, |3i|SiL3nT
I see your point, but, what you want to be aiming at is getting "Achievements" like "Best Flagger" of the month.
Check this out: http://ac-fraglog.tk/achievements/
There, if you are good, you will rank above players who have played longer and have it shown on your profile.
However, players who have played more deserve to be high up on the all-time rank if their scores rank them high. It's like running a marathon - leading the race for the first 10km and then dropping might win you an award, but certainly not the first place medal ;)
Have fun!
01/07/2015, #138, LESSTHANZERO
Thank you for your response. But as an example on today's leaders I hit #9 . But I only played for 1 hour and twenty something minutes some people above me played 2 or 3 times as long. On points scored per hour . I am either #1 or #2. On flags per hour I am #1 or #2 on the all time list and really high up on points. I understand your point that players that have played more should rank them higher, but when you are ranking by total score the people that cant spend 4-10 hours a day playing get penalized but actually perform as good if not better than most of the top ranked people. Actually if they played 4 times the amount of minutes to only double the amount of points you have, it is actually valuing performance in reverse. In summary I think there should be at least one or two stats that are kept on per hour basis. Take baseball for example. If someone is at bat 200 times and get 100 hits they are batting .500, but if someone is at bat 400 times and gets 100 hits they are batting .250 but you are counting the amount of hits they got (200) as being higher than the person that batted 500. I guess I am just sticking up for us casual players that play on average about 1/2 to 1/4 as much as most of the people on the leaderboard.
01/07/2015, #139, |3i|SiL3nT
I see your point, however, my previous post in this thread still applies; casual players, if they are good, can, by all means, fight for the "Achievements" without needing to play much (only 5h/month is required to be eligible for the "Achievements", which isn't much).
I do agree that some players, probably you included, don't see this as a sufficient collateral ranking to the real one, where players who play more have an edge. To that end, I'm thinking of creating some sort of integrated scoreboard for the "Achievements"; something more than the visual graphs, which I suggest players like you use!
In the next month or so, you might see this update coming.
04/07/2015, #140, LESSTHANZERO
I appreciate the back and forth. One more thing that came to mind today was ----- WON THE GAME. After all for all the games there is a winning team and a losing team. A good player, or great player plays a team game. I am running like 90% or higher in games won/lost. This is especially important when the computer often rebalances teams that are off kilter. I also often move over to the underdog teams. So I would like to see at least one stat ranking being a "per minute" state like flags scored leader. And another being games won. I greatly appreciate having a board that keeps track. I know I come off as crazy maybe, but when I first started playing back in 2008? maybe, I never thought I would get half way decent. I am 51 years old and kick ass worldwide now :)
19/07/2015, #143, {ric}
it`s counting way too much time on my acount , dont know why. It is more then twice the time!
20/07/2015, #144, starix
too need of a server as the PUB BRAZIL DM of "Brahma" as old time ago.
and RANKS to: T-OSOK,T-LSS,CTF,SURV,DM. thanks !
20/07/2015, #145, starix
too need of a server as the PUB BRAZIL DM of "Brahma" as old time ago.
and RANKS to: T-OSOK,T-LSS,CTF,SURV,DM. thanks !
21/07/2015, #147, |3i|SiL3nT
@ric: Adding up all the times of each individual day you have played, I correctly get the amount of time played shown as your total time played. I'm probably not understanding your problem.
@starix: I'm unsure of what you mean, but ALL modes are supported by the ladder. The scoring of the ladder is adjusted in a way that playing DM can get you points as easily as playing CTF, if you are good. For instance, a frag in DM gives you more points than a frag in CTF.
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